When new ideas/thoughts strike your mind…

You know. It happens to all of us. I am talking about that moment when a new idea strikes your mind and you know it is a good one. This new thought should be immediately joted down so it won’t be lost. Sometimes our mind plays weird games and if you don’t write that idea somewhere you are bound to forget it!

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a good notebook in your purse so you can immediately write down all these new ideas/thoughts ?

Imagine working on a new project and your mind is full of new ideas. Then you definitely need a notebook to organize the whole thing. We recommend the “Thoughts & Ideas Gatherer“. Inside this blank book you will find a template that will help you gather and organize all these brilliant ideas that pop out of your mind. Try it today!

Thoughts & Ideas Gatherer

Thoughts & Ideas Gatherer - Book cover

Thoughts & ideas gatherer - book cover

Get it from Amazon: Thoughts & Ideas Gatherer


You can also try a similar book, the “Thought Collector“…

Thought Collector - Book cover

Thought Collector - Book Cover

Get it from Amazon: Thought Collector

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The Relaxation Notebook (video)

The Relaxation Notebook Video

The Relaxation Notebook by Lazaros’ Blank Books. Enjoy powerful and proven relaxation techniques, create your own notes and get rid of stress once and for all with this amazing semi-blank book.

Yes! This book looks interesting… Take me to Amazon:


Check out a similar semi-blank book about meditation:
The Meditation Notebook

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Start laughing and get rid of stress and anxiety

We recently published “The Relaxation Notebook“. This semi-blank book describes powerful relaxation techniques that will help you get rid of stress and anxiety once and for all. In the book there’s plenty of space for note-keeping.

Here’s one of these relaxation methods:

Relaxation Technique #7: Start laughing
This is one of the most powerful stress-relieving exercises. All you need is to laugh out loud. With a strong belly laughter you can mentally lighten the load, plus you can lower cortisol which is the body’s stress hormone. Moreover, with a good laugh you boost your body’s endorphins which are brain chemicals that balance your mood. Continue reading “Start laughing and get rid of stress and anxiety”

Why use a paperback contact book?

In today’s world most people use their mobile devices to store their contacts’ information. Others use specific software on their computers (or a spreadsheet). Even though these devices have dominated the world of information there are still people who use pen and paper to store information.

If you work for a company who has many contacts (for example if you work as a secretary) then you might want to differ from the majority of people and keep all the telephone numbers, e-mails and faxes in a notebook.

When using pen and paper to store information you can keep your contacts’ book in a safe place in your office and if your computer brakes down you can always find the contact you need and make a phone call or send a fax. Continue reading “Why use a paperback contact book?”

The magic of the Roman numerals!

The Roman numeric system comes from ancient Rome. It was a well accepted way of writing numbers in the ancient times of the Romans. This numeric system lasted for many years after the Roman empire though.

We find these numbers on many manuscripts of the Middle Ages. Numbers in this system are represented by letters of the Latin alphabet. The Roman numbers continue to be present up to this day. One of their use is in analog clocks! Have you seen this type of clocks? Continue reading “The magic of the Roman numerals!”

The Relaxation Notebook

The Relaxation Notebook (Paperback – Edition 1)

By Lazaros’ Blank Books

The Relaxation Notebook - Front cover

The Relaxation Notebook - Book Cover

10 powerful relaxation techniques/exercises to help you get rid of stress and anxiety once and for all! This semi-blank book is the result of conversations we had with expert thinkers who are trained to achieve a relaxation state easily

People in modern societies are full of stress and anxiety and they find it hard to relax. This book can help you fight stress and face reality in a different, more peaceful way. If you perform these relaxation exercises, you will avoid mistakes and bad outcomes caused by your stressful life. Just another creation of Lazaros’ Blank Books. Comes with matte cover and always at the right price. Enjoy.-

Yes! I want to have a better life quality through relaxation. Take me to Amazon:


You may be interested in a similar book about meditation:
The Meditation Notebook

Take a look at the following book interior samples:

Continue reading “The Relaxation Notebook”

The Meditation Notebook (video)

The Meditation Notebook Video:

The Meditation Notebook by Lazaros’ Blank Books. Follow the easy 12-step meditation process, keep notes and enjoy a fulfilling meditation experience with this wonderful semi-blank book.

Yes! This book looks amazing… Take me to Amazon:


Check out our other semi-blank books:
Semi-Blank Books

The Meditation Notebook

The Meditation Notebook (Paperback – Edition 1)

By Lazaros’ Blank Books


The Meditation Notebook - Book Cover

The book describes a 12-step meditation process to help starters encounter a fulfilling meditation experience. You are asked to keep your own notes and improve as you practice.

Meditation is very important not only to achieve relaxation but also to have a look at the past of this world and visualize the future. Meditation is really important and this semi-blank book will help you with it.

Yes this semi-blank book looks interesting. Take me to Amazon:


You may be interested in a similar book, one of our best sellers:
The Relaxation Book

Take a look at the following book interior samples:

Continue reading “The Meditation Notebook”